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Solopreneur: What Does It Mean? (Plus some Tips if you Want to Become One)

Solopreneur: What Does It Mean? (Plus some Tips if you Want to Become One)

September 26, 2022

We all know forging a business of our own is a pretty heavy task, but it can be very rewarding in the end as well. However, not everyone feels comfortable working in a group and prefers working by themselves to build a brand.

For this kind of people, the world has coined the term Solopreneur (from solo + entrepreneur), but the concept goes beyond just liking to do things without anyone else.

For starters, a solopreneur creates the business with no intention of ever having any kind of staff. From the very beginning, solopreneurs are a one-man (or woman) band.

The main objective behind becoming a solopreneur is to create and develop a business that is not only scalable and portable, but also a source of steady passive income. Which pretty much works for those who also wish to become Digital Nomads.

It's also important to point out that unlike a regular entrepreneur, a solopreneur doesn't really have the intention of creating a business that will end up selling. They just want to run a business by themselves.

Although a solopreneur doesn't want to have staff, it doesn't mean he or she can't have some freelancers or contractors for certain tasks (like graphic design or software development, for instance). It just means that the solopreneur is the only responsible person for the whole business, from design to execution and management.

If you already have a following on social media and you think they care a lot for your opinion, then you can become a solopreneur, Kosmic Dust style. Check our Kosmonaut Program, which has tons of benefits for you, a potential new online business and your audience, of course.

And now, some tips to take full advantage of the solopreneur approach for business...

  • IDENTIFY A MARKET NEED and go for it! Who could be interested in something you know how to do better than most people? Take advantage of your existing network (especially if it's an online one) and focus on turning them into clients, customers or consumers. This is something a Social Seller knows how to do well.
  • DON'T BE AFRAID OF UPS & DOWNS as the market may have pretty good days but some terrible ones too! Prepare yourself for those moments in which business is running slow and design some strategies that can turn things around.
  • AUTOMATE AS MANY PROCESSES AS YOU CAN because that'll help you save time for you to use it in something else (whatever you like or need, really). There are plenty of online tools to help you keep track of anything you can think of. Speaking of which…
  • INVEST IN THE TOOLS YOU NEED because that will not only make your business run more smoothly but also allow you to focus on management. It's always worth it to invest some time and resources on the right tools (technical or human) you may need.
  • ENJOY THE RIDE and learn everyday from your experience. Sometimes you might want to quit out of exhaustion or boredom, but remember your original goal and keep your sights on it. Create a list with a few objectives you'd like to reach (short, medium or long term), place it where you can see it all the time and go back to it when you need a bit of inspiration or motivation.
As you can see, being a solopreneur sounds like fun but also like something demanding, but fear not as Kosmic Dust has a broad product line that can help you unlock your full potential, both physical and mental. Head to our Online Store to get the supplement that suits your needs best.

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