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How to Relax After a Gaming Session: 6 Simple Hacks & Tips

How to Relax After a Gaming Session: 6 Simple Hacks & Tips

May 04, 2022

For all those who love them, videogames are a source of enjoyment. Sure, there are some games that can be particularly difficult and cause some level of stress in us players, but we all like to take on a good challenge every now and then.

However, the gaming lifestyle —with its meta included, can lead to situations in which anxiety appears and puts us on the edge. Here we have a few hacks for you to follow whenever you think gaming is turning into a sour experience.


When a gaming session starts to become too intense, emotions appear, both good and bad. Triumph tastes more exciting and cool, but defeats hit harder. If you feel like the games (or other players) are getting to your nerves, take a couple of seconds and analyze if anger is the way to go or if it is worth your while. Use the time that loading screens give you to clear your mind of any negativity and enter the next phase with a better attitude.


When you get to a point in which little reflection won't cut it, then consider taking a longer pause. Get up, move around a little, walk a bit, go get a glass of water, change the space in which you are playing. If you are playing locally with family or friends, ask to leave the game or give your spot to another player. Take a deep breath, inhaling through your nose, and then hold the air inside for about 5-8 seconds before releasing it slowly through your mouth. Repeat this 3-5 times.


If you're online and the multiplayer session is getting too intense, consider muting the game, other players and yourself to get some distance from the heat. Grunting, screaming or cursing to express discomfort can be tempting while playing with others, but if you mute yourself, you might say anything you need to say without letting others hear it. Let it out, calm yourself and once it is out, resume your game normally.


Playing against unknown players might be a tad frustrating, especially if they outskill you. How about you choose playing against or in co-op mode with a friend next time? You'll be close enough to address victories and losses in a more candid way, just remember to be respectful and don't get too personal. It'll be even better if you play a game that everyone really enjoys to ensure you're having more fun than potential conflicts.


Watching others play will help reduce your stress levels. Since you're only watching, there is no risk of defeat or loss, and that can have a soothing effect on you (and the rest of the players if you're hot-headed). If you are playing by yourself, then switch the controller for the remote and watch some Twitch or YouTube streams.


Above all, it's important to consider that this is just a game. Most of us play games by choice and because we can unwind while enjoying them. Refocus your thoughts on this aspect next time you feel frustrated. There's nothing really lost if you fail in a game (whatever kind, actually), so try to make the most of it by concentrating on the positive aspects of the activity.

Do you have any other tips or hacks that work wonders when you're having a difficult time playing? Share them around with our Kosmic Dust on social media.

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